Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hi everyone ,

It is a Sunday evening and I am dying a slow and painful death . It is not so much a hangover more a hang around. My system was not helped by the fact that I had to stand freezing with my sickness on the sidelines of a soccer pitch. Mad Mac and his collection of friends held a Charity  match in aid of aware , they played really well however they lost , not sure how much money was raised just yet but fair play to them .

So last night I was out with my sisters for my elder sisters birthday and I tried out my new hairstyle not sure how it turned out , it was not exactly what I asked for but it looked cool enough. I want to apologize for my drunken state in this picture it was a heavy night. Fun but alot of alcohol was consumed .

This next photo was taken this morning as I stood in the Baltic conditions on the sidelines of this pitch , Oh the things you do for love lol !!!!  Cant you just see why my Mad Mac fell for me , the picture of beauty there I am . All in All t'was a great weekend , one I hope I can repeat soon , albeit without quite the hangover or being half as cold !

Thanks for listening

The Magpie


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Heh Guys ,

I just wanted to share some pictures from our holidays to Barcelona to the end of last year . I would consider myself an amatuer photographer and would lie to share some pictures with you all. any comments or suggestions on how to improve my photography would be greatly appreciated.

The above two photos are of different promenades off the main street I think
 it gives me a feel of miami !!
Jellyfish in the fish tank

My penguin boming , I left out the ones of batman !! I reckon she is a master at the photo bombing, just look at that cheeky face lol
This photo was taken on my mobile phone lol, I just thought it was a beautiful picture , an amazingly pretty bride !!

Thats just a taster of the millions I took on that holiday. Thanks for letting me share

Thanks for listening

The Magpie

Hi again ,

I am going to try and break myself out of my comfort zone and change my hairstyle  , I have made an appointment and am thinking about getting his done , what do you guys think ?
obviously not with the blonde , or maybe I will dye it that blonde colour? which ever way it goes I will take a picture and post it up then .

 Does anyone know where I could get either an umbrella or swimsuit like these? I am heading to ew orleans with himself later on in the year and would love nice items like this .. hmmm
 who else has been to New Oreans ? any suggestions on where we should go or what we should see ?
 I am so excited yeah !!!!1
Thanks for listening
The Magpie

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I am Back

Phewww , I am back !!!

You guys have no idea the hassle I have been having trying to get back on this to share  with you guys .

So what's been happenin since we last spoke ? Well Mad Mac and I got engaged !! I know I know crazy , unexpected but thouroughly amazing . My ring is beautiful  aint it !. He proposed last halloween , figured it woulld be romantic beacuse I hate halloween and he loves it. No date set yet but as soon as we do i will let you know.

Not much else has been happening , my nan has been sick but she is doing better thank god .She is a strong woman so she is fighting well.

I want to share some of the things I have come across that made me smile I hope that is ok ?

Not sure if you can see where my passions lie lol . I will write again soon and I promise it will read better lol

Thanks for listening

The Magpie
