Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Heh Everyone

It's been a while since I last posted so I shall endavour to catch you all up on what has been happening in my life. Well remember my last post ?? As it stands at the moment not a heck of a lot has changed except for my attitude . I have adopted a whole new approach to my life . My new life motto is I "positivism to give 'em" So basically I walk into a situation and I extract only the positives ,  if there are  no posities I simply turn those negatives into a positive by making a few changes . Sounds simple enough right ?? Well I can guarantee you that it is not , after a lifetime  of living my life one way and reacting to events in a certain manner retraining yourself to react differently takes time but I am getting there.

I have already started to make small changes to my life , I have changed my diet to my healthy choices ( I posted about this previously) and have started at the gym . So far I have lost five pounds , and all this in two weeks ! These small changes have made a huge diference to my overall well being . I feel so much better in myself , which can only be a good thing right ?

I have also wait for it .............  I HAVE STOPPED SMOKING !!!  yes folks it may only be in the last two weeks but heh it's a bloody start and I  am damned proud of myself.  I aim to keep it going as far as I am concerned I am a non smoker !!

I am also taking the bull by the horns as far as that work situation is concerned . I am applying for every job I see and I am trying to get myself out of that situation. To this end I am utilising the ideas and triks outlined in "The Secret". Now I know this is not for everyone and many may scoff but the basics that I get out of it were ; that if I believe something will happen then it will . it's called the law of attraction. what I put put I to the universe I will get back   So in my head that translates as if I believe that I will  get a new job that I will be happy doing and if I actively believe it , then it will happen. So that is what I am doing , I have written a list of the types of jobs that I could do and am qualified to do . I actively believe I will get it , and assuming I get up of my ass and work for it well then I should get it. I am aso trying to avail of every opportunity I can to get traied up in as many different areas...... I honestly don't think I can do anymore !!!!

So needless to say I have been doing a lot of thinking about where my life is going and what I want out of it . Some of the things I have discovered  about myself - like what I spoke about above - are fairly normal and quite a good idea. One of the  things I discovered - we can call it a hidden desire- kinda scares me . It is quite personal so I won't go in to it completely but suffice it to say  the decision I have made will change everything and not only for me .   Obviously it's not my decision to make alone and it is something we would really need to tak about . It is not something I want tomorrow or anything silly like that but soon ??....

Just some words to keep me going !!!


  1. Really enjoyed this. Well done on the no smoking, staying positive. Will see you soon. X

  2. Awh thank you Mad Mac ... Love you xx
